Happy PA Week!

Happy PA Week!

SO MANY GIVEAWAYS! October 6th is Physician Assistant/Associate (PA) Day and this week, Oct 6-12 we celebrate PAs! The PA...

Canada Celebrates PA Day!

Canada Celebrates PA Day!

Today, November 27th, our neighbors to the north celebrate PA day throughout their country! Anne Dang, a PA, and amazing...

PA Leadership Series: Jason Berger, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Jason Berger, PA-C

Today is the last post for our PA week celebrations! We hope you have enjoyed our series of amazing PA...

PA Leadership Series: Kate Callaway, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Kate Callaway, PA-C

Today we have another amazing and dedicated PA for our PA Leadership series! I first connected with Kate through the...

PA Leadership Series: Heather Gates, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Heather Gates, PA-C

It has been an eventful PA week so far, and today we have an amazing PA I’m so excited to...

PA Leadership Series: Nicole Schtupak, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Nicole Schtupak, PA-C

We are continuing our celebrations of PA week by featuring another amazing PA for our PA Leadership series! I was...

PA Leadership Series: Greg Burns, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Greg Burns, PA-C

Today I’m excited to continue the celebration of PA week by introducing you to a PA who has spent quite...

Happy PA Week 2019!

Happy PA Week 2019!

Today, October 6th officially kicks off PA week and we, at EmpoweredPAs are beyond excited! There is so much to...