PA Leadership Series: Kasey       D’Amato, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Kasey D’Amato, PA-C

Have you ever felt STUCK in your career as a PA? Do you need to negotiate your salary or contract...

PA Leadership Series: Jason Berger, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Jason Berger, PA-C

Today is the last post for our PA week celebrations! We hope you have enjoyed our series of amazing PA...

PA Leadership Series: Kate Callaway, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Kate Callaway, PA-C

Today we have another amazing and dedicated PA for our PA Leadership series! I first connected with Kate through the...

PA Leadership Series: Heather Gates, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Heather Gates, PA-C

It has been an eventful PA week so far, and today we have an amazing PA I’m so excited to...

PA Leadership Series: Nicole Schtupak, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Nicole Schtupak, PA-C

We are continuing our celebrations of PA week by featuring another amazing PA for our PA Leadership series! I was...

PA Spotlight: Brandon Hughey, PA-S2 is Running for PAFT Student Director at Large

PA Spotlight: Brandon Hughey, PA-S2 is Running for PAFT Student Director at Large

Empowered PAs has always been about promoting the “go-getters”.. those PAs (and PA students) who look to go the extra...